Friday, December 18, 2009

Little updates on life

It has been a long hiatus. Longest ever in my short blogging history.

Partially caused by the work load, and a good measure due to some not so nice happenings at family end, and additional thanks to other kinds of social media that one has discovered of late and has got heavily addicted to.

Saying something when you want to has it's own charm.
But then, once in a while, there is that urge to write more than 140 characters.

Not much has changed in my life. I still wrap life around the almost 5 year old, who vehemently protests when i say '4 going on 5'. In his mind, he is already six, and aspires to be 8.

The age 8 is very significant here. That is the age of his first cousin, who is his idol these days. Of course, someone who demonstrates -"how to jump of ledges and land with minimal damages" and " how to hang of door frames" and whistle!!, - has to be looked upon> no arguments there.

The husband, as always lives to work and spends 10 hrs spare time at home( 6 hours sleeping+ 1 hr for dinner+ 2 hours reading paper in the loo+ 1 hr doing i don't know what).

And i have been my usual self. Striving and constantly trying to be superwoman. Someday i'll reach there. Till then, i will develop my most coveted trait- procastrination. Some one has to, you see.

I am guilty of not reading a lot of my favorite blogs for a while, and not responding to comments. And have found a lot more blogs /people that blog. Should add them to reading list too.

Thank you forcoming back to read me and waiting it out while i practised procastrination. Hope i am worth it . I'll come around to all your blogs soon.

*celebrity style air kisses* ...*mwaah, mwaah...*


starry eyed December 18, 2009 at 5:18 PM  

mwaah mwaah to you too, and welcome back (for the THIRD time)!!!!

Now you know what your New Year resolution should be.

In love with my life December 18, 2009 at 5:40 PM  

Starry: yes. For the zillionth time, same resolution:-)

Niv December 19, 2009 at 1:00 PM  

simply great to have you back!
I was beginning to think of all the horrible things possible, because of your last post and then your subsequent disappearance

Ofcourse, I am not the right person to comment, I perfected the art of procrastination for almost a year! lol:)

Whats more, I cant afford it, since I am not even a wannabe celeb lol