Monday, June 30, 2008

Global Citizen....

I was at a conference last week where one of the speakers said something interesting. He talked about an article that said that by 2010, the numbers of car owners in India will increase exponentially, and why this is significant.
The Indian psyche is very different from the rest of the world, he said. To us, buying four wheels is a tangible way of saying " i have arrived" and, this will be done only after he/ she has provided for family expenses, self, health and education. So that means and average Indian will spend in this order...
1. Family expenses: Parents/ Spouse/ Kids-daily expenses
2. Health: Insurance policies
3. Education: Policies/ funds
4. Infrastructure: House/land
5. Four wheeler
6. Other expenses: Entertainment/eating out/gadgets/ holidays etc
So it necessarily translates that by 2010 the number of Indian's who feel they have " arrived" go up, which will mean that we have better GDP's( hopefully).

I am trying to apply this theory to our life and see how it holds good.
Lets see.....
1. We bought a TV first in life( priority no 6 in list)
2. Then all the paraphernalia( again priority no 6)
3. Then a car( Priority no 5)
4. Then policies for kid( we seem to be going up the wrong direction)
5. Some amount of protection for our life( priority no 2)
6. Fortunately we have parents who are self sufficient and quite benevolent,so we have been loaned in times of need rather that we providing for them( i will make up for that..some day)
7. A house...( priority no 4).

Does that mean we are not quite Indian? Or are we just mixed up in life?
What is the possibility that a good part of my generation will have a similar list? My bet is that there will be many....
At least i can tell myself that is how the rest of the world thinks..after all, i am a global citizen:-)