Thursday, January 15, 2009

Amma...hear this...

The widget at the far right bottom of my page tells me that as on date 1000 people have read all the stuff that i write.

I am sooo feeling all important now. Must tell mom.

She will be thrilled to know that the daughter whose randomly written poems she kept picking out of the waste basket and saving,writes a blog, and people actually read her.

On a side note, i may have to admit to some serious fudging here. There is a very high possibility that close to 200 of those visits were made by me* sheepish smile*, just to feel what my blog says.

Nevertheless...i am still happy

"The odd thing about this form of communication is that you're more likely to talk about nothing than something. But I just want to say that all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings"

- Meg Ryan as Kathleen Kelly in " You've got Mail"

...really so!


Anonymous January 19, 2009 at 1:04 PM  

oh no no no...
blogger doesn't count visits you make to your own blog...sometimes it misses a few hundred clicks too...
so make that 1,200

In love with my life January 19, 2009 at 6:09 PM  

Wooo hoooo....Thank u....i am really feeling all important now.
i see the faint halo appearing, a la B R Chopra serials.