Tuesday, May 27, 2008

TB and i are in a juncture where we have mentally prepared to take a step we have eluded for quite some years.....buying a flat. It never looked possible before, not till we went for the house warming and liked that flat in the same apartment. Once we wanted to go ahead and buy it..all the (imaginary) problems that i had envisioned over time just seems non existent.
Now i am wondering why did we not do this before.
This is the second time in life that this thought has occured to me...the first was when we decided to start a family....i used to be scared of the idea of having a baby.....i was not sure if we would be good parents..if we will have enough finances...if everything will go well. It was always the "if".
Once the baby bug bit us( guess we got tired of working and watching TV and eating late dinners)....the "if's " magically dissappeared. Having a baby was the perfect thing to do. Then the anxiousness sets in...
It is always that way..it takes years to make up our mind to do something. Once we do make up our minds, it feels impossible to even wait days for it to happen.
Right now i am in that phase.....having waited all these years to make that decision, these few days while the bank decides whether we are creditworthy to be given a loan, seems like forever.
I am anxious.....as hell!