Monday, October 13, 2008

I wish...

I am fairly egoistic! I have to admit that..i put my foot down on what i believe to be right, with anyone. I may not be right always, but who is anyway? TB is equally egoistic. The man runs his share of the world and it is quite normal to be so.
The problem usually is , when there is an argument- most of the time- the real reason for the argument dissappeares over a spate of accusations and then the egos clash. And when egos step in, it stops being a argument , and morphes into something very personal, and both sides refuse to give up.
I hate that! Arguments should remain arguments. Is it beyond common human nature to wish that we stick to the problem in perspective and not add dimensions to it? I hope not...
That is my wish for the day! For us to be able to seperate our arguments and egos. Life would be so much simple!