Tuesday, February 16, 2010

About a holiday...

I have been threatened at gun point, bullied , coaxed, cajoled and generally been abused for not posting anything.

No, not really, but i sense that coming my way . Subtle messages are being sent out.

We went off to the jungles of Corbett for the weekend and enjoyed a 'proper holiday'. I did not look at the watch, did not stress myself out thinking about my commute, missed all sorts of communication with the outside world, and have the most amazing weekend.

A holiday with children conjures up the image of a good looking place, complete with a resort with all amenities, enough entertainment to keep the child occupied, swimming pool for the grown ups to spend time on..and service on call.
Instead, the smart people that we are, went off to Corbett with a bunch of friends, in biting cold, to a place completely inaccessible by public transport, with no electricity, no swimming pool, no games for children, and no TV!!

I saw a whole new side to the 5 year old. He walked and walked for three days, made friends with every person in that camp, held their fingers and walked around,met the 8 dogs that the owners keep, fell in love with them, played with dogs twice his size, watched birds, listened to their calls, and just..walked! ( we shall not talk about the mealtime fights here and how he managed to get apple juice on demand from the kitchen).

Some holidays leave impressions on you....pictures in your mind that photographs cannot do justice to, smells that bring back moments, voices that remind you of conversations.....

--- of crushed leaves during an elephant safari...
the way the child laughed when he reached out to tall grass sitting on the elephant...
going back for second helpings of the most awesome porridge in the world..
the crackling of the campfire and the quite noise of fryums being eaten by a dozen people in darkness...
the majestic sambhar deer looking straight at our eyes while waiting for us to move on , so his baby can cross that road...
The thrill of first time angler seeing the fish he caught...
V saying 'bye fish" when we let it go back..
hot water bags in a freezing bed...
Father son moments that one wants to treasure forever...
Enjoying the sun lying out in the middle of no where...
Company of genuine people...
Amazing conversations...
...... doing nothing,and feeling completely good about it.

Holidays like this, are truly the stuff fantasies are made of.


Niv February 16, 2010 at 9:45 PM  


I wish I could go to Corbett too! :)

Your description is what makes it come alive;the sights, the sounds, the smell!

And yes, I would have held you at gunpoint today, but I was so busy today that I didnt come online:), so you are saved!

starry eyed February 17, 2010 at 9:57 AM  

It's great to see kids being very different on holidays, isn't it! I liked 'bye, fish'!! Glad you got to live your fantasy!

Diary Of A Stardusted Dreamer February 17, 2010 at 12:02 PM  

Lovely post, brought back memories of our own vacay in Corbett a few years ago. We were petrified at the mere thought of being completely cut off initially- no cell, no TV etc. but what followed was four days of the most amazingly rejuvenating solitude!

In love with my life February 22, 2010 at 10:20 AM  

niv: You must go to corbett.Let the little one grow up a wee bit . They will love the place.

Starry: It's like a whole new side. And quite a pleasant one too:-)

Newmum: Bliss and solitude indeed! We are already planning for the next trip there:-)