Sunday, February 7, 2010

A tag...

1.Whom do you remember when in deep shit? God, Mommy, Dad, etc
God- in any form, and TB.

2.Whats your favourite swear word?
Shit! and under my breath , the F word too.

3. When in mixed company, how do you describe your strap when it can be seen?
I usually do not say anything, just go ahead and correct it.

4. When in mixed company, how do you talk about your period?
Never had the reason to speak about it in unknown mixed group. With the known group, i say pretty much what i want to..

5. Which actor have you had the longest crush on?
None, really!

6. Did you have a fun nickname in your college days?
Not that i know of. may be i should ask others if there was one...