Tuesday, July 29, 2008


What is your idea of a perfect weekend?? I am a little confused! This keeps changing, and not always for good.

There are weekends where i manage to finish most of my tasks on fridge list successfully by sunday evening. Weekend of accomplishment ---i should be happy. Problem is, most of those weekends just whizz by. On sunday night, i will be sitting on the bed, feeling happy about all the tasks accomplished, and wondering what happened to the weekend???It was just another day at work!

And then there are these weekends where you accomplish nothing. Like the last weekend. My fridge list is intact! I took V to stand in knee deep water outside our building , thanks to the heavy rains , and took him to KFC in the evening. On Sunday, we had brunch with friends,a couple we have known for half our lives and are V's godparents. Brunch- from 11.00 AM till 4.30 PM. ( Pls note- woke up at 10.00 AM), caught up on sleep after that(!!!!) and went for a late show. It felt like a weekend, truly. But then, i felt guilty- for not having done any of those stuff on my fridge list. Wasn't the weekend to finish off those pending stuff?

I am a little confused....so what is a ideal weekend? Well, simply put - it is one where you accomplish most of the tasks , and enjoy the weekend too. I never seem to be able to get the balance right..How many people actually do??