Thursday, July 24, 2008


We have a sofa in our 'living' cum 'dining' cum 'everything' else room- considering we spend about 85% of the time at home in that room. Now this sofa is today's topic.
Nope----- it's not handed down the generations, it is not gifted, it is not the most expensive piece of furniture we own,but it hold a very distinguished place in our house. It was bought of a very small corner furniture shop in bangalore and is with us because - (1) TB got a bonus that month (2) We did not have anything to plonk ourselves in front of TV---in that order.

It is one of those foam filled, upholstered sofa's that every struggling couple invest in their early years of marriage and promply give up as years progress, a 5 seater( 3+1+1). The decision to buy this one was instant- it was cheap, it was brown- means no dusting required everyday ( i love browns, this one is a very mild brown, kind of like chocolate milkshake), and they were ready to transport it home at no additional cost..PERFECT.

So we have had this sofa for the last six years now? maybe is the coziest sofa u could find...very warm in winter and early mornings, with a roomy armrest where you could balance glasses/ bowls of chips/ TV remotes and everything that you put there. TB used to spend his entire off days on this sofa - with a bag of chips and a bottle of soft drink close by, and the DVD player filled with at least three movies. This was before we had V...

Now, V practically lives off this sofa...he plays on it, reads on it, writes on it- literally, and watches cartoons on it. He even insists on having his food there. On Sundays, there is usually a first right of refusal fight..TB gets his pillow to settle down and V promptly plonks himself down. It is quite a sight to see father and son squeezing and making space to lie down in a sofa that is maybe 6X3 ft.

The old faithful sofa was entering its fouth year of existence in our house when we felt the need to upgrade ourselves, and get better seating arrangements. For some vague reason i cannot recollect now( it must be divine intervention) the thought got shelved and the sofa stayed on....I can't be thankful enough for that.

In the last three years, that sofa has been subjected to torture of the third degree in several are some of the stuff that the sofa was subjected to ......
Cereal/ Tea/ Coffee/ Juice/ Vegetables that V does not like to eat/ hot water/ ink/ jelly and various forms of food that V munches on...and ahem!..lots of PEE( i know its gross, but this is the truth) . Of course all the times when he is sick, he promply throws up on the sofa..

And here are some stuff that have gone into the various crevices and have not been extricated till date----Remnants of chips / plastic spoons/ bits of crayons/ Toffee wrappers/SHEAFFERS PEN- brand new!!/ buttons/ hooks/ bottle caps/ tissue paper/ small handkercheifs/ broken pencils...and thousand other things that i have no clue about.
V has also managed to break open a refill last week and promptly wiped off all the permanent ink on the sofa. So now we have this huge blue amoeba shaped ink stain on one of the single seaters that i have manged to move to a not so noticable part of the room.

Maybe we should move on in life, dispose off the sofa. It is not is any condition to be displayed when we have guests over( nor is our walls , for that matter- they are an extension of V's creative energy. I tried telling him that it is his house and he should not be drawing on the walls. Pat came the reply- " this is not my house, my house is in bangalore"- i gave up).

We now live with a stained sofa that has more stuff hidden inside than a treasure chest, in a house where there are abstract drawings on the wall, that can be any animal as V wishes, and zillions of broken toys, at least half of which are strewn around the house at any point in time. Would i like to have it any other way...NEVER!That sofa is staying...till it gives up.

PS: For all those of you who know us and plan to visit us anytime , do not let the above description discourage u, we clean the sofa. No fear!


Unknown July 29, 2008 at 2:48 PM  

I just miss that sofa a lot!!!!