Not quite a full heart
The Mumbai living- well, almost.
That is what you get...when you have 7 adults and two children live in 980 sft. For the second time in two years..we will live that life today.
We have pulled out extra pillows, extra mattresses have been dropped off by friends- by the friend who came to drop off the mattress and said" i'll come up for five mins" and stayed back to roll 25 roti's and clean my kitchen. Thank you for everything.
When i get home from work today, there will be stuff everywhere, bags all over thanks to multiple travel schedules...waiting for turns to wash hands and use the bathroom. And toys! the one's we have not seen in ages- will suddenly appear and be strewn all over the place. Chaos!
But who cares? We are all under the same roof after maybe a few years...there will be so much to talk, so much to catch up on..V can do what he pleases- as long as he does not disturb our sessions.
It is a full house today...but not quite a full heart. The one person who loves having family around, the one who loves chatting away and just being there is in Delhi. And he cannot be back for another two days. While i have fun, enjoy having them around and talk away to death, there is a small corner that stays empty , sharing his loneliness and a little sad- hoping he too was here.