Friday, March 13, 2009

The third eye effect

For some strange reason , all my work life, i have been in roles where i am dealing with two different sets of people.

ALWAYS! It is not as much as actual work that goes on, but being able to keep both sides at bay and not get at each others throats! I think 'it is written'. The worst part of the jobs are when both parties think you belong on their side , where as i know precisely that i do not have the liberty to lean towards either....always the third person.

Across companies, across businesses, this basic fact seems to follow me around. For a good part of next week, i am going to be doing precisely the third person, the observer, the one who influences the final word.

I have no complaints though...just an observation. For someone who is so involved in real life, it struck me as an odd profession..or maybe the best one?


Anonymous March 16, 2009 at 12:59 PM  

methinks while you are busy observing, you didn't see that just cracked the glass-ceiling.


In love with my life March 17, 2009 at 1:15 PM  

Danke! As i said..i have no complaints:-)